domenica 5 febbraio 2017

Botanical terrorism

A criminial event has been taking place in Perugia. No humans have been harmed just many beautiful plants. The crime could seem trivial for most, but not when it hinders, the comunity which has been deprived from a very nice collection which was delightful and of educational interrest. This crime has not made for economical intererst but by mere ignorance, because plants have been transplanted in the worst season ever without a logical reason for these removals. The  details will be explained later in their sheer stupidity. These changes have been decided  not by a politician( politicians are known for their  dismal decisions without a sense of logic), but by the director of the Botanical Gardens.  Eminent botanists are unimployed, no matter how their prestigious are their  publications, and this director, while this rascal  has been employed by his wife , working on the human resources.
 And here comes our Hero, good looking,muscly intelligent, gardener conoisseur of a vast range of plants. He is generous and loved by all his friends but  he is Gay and Polish. No matter how vehemently he condems the choices of this incompetent, fraudolent director, he is ignored for not being Italian and for his choices, and by the fact he is for no bullshit. His rebukes are ignored, with a certain subtle discrimination. We are in the know, whereas our hero Waldemar  who are you to contradict us?
     The most blatant example is the removal of the rose garden. Hundreds of old heirloom rose garden and botanical roses have been removed a month before their flowering time. Even some not giving a damn about oplants know this simple rule. The grotesque detail is  they have been transplanted by a catrepillar :), so at least the murder has been quick. The bushes were established, and hence big specimens, and a very few of this jewel of a rose garden has been savaged.
 Old varieties have been on a verge of extinction, replaced by greenhouse roses, and their equivalent for the garden . Old roses are very different in shape of the bloom ( a vast majority of them look more like peonies, with a profuse amount of petals, they parfumes are intoxicanting and superb) , foliage, shape ( they are more shrubs unlike the rigid  bush modern roses), and most of them has a direct or indirect historical relevance.
 Therefore this rosegarden was not  a mere garden of delights but an educational mission. Waldemar recounts other terrorists acts. Mature trees and shrub have been removed for no real reason . The ornamental blossoms who were a sight to remember has been violated without a reason, the collection of peonies destroyed and so on. This precious haven for the comunity has a vast array, of animals, for education purposes , and are really in dre straits. The dick pond has not been cleaned for years and the ehm delghtful emissions can be apreciated from a distance. I guess extremely parfumed roses, were ruining the fragrance of poo. I am sure Mr Grenouille from the book Le Parfum by Patrick Suskind would be in total awe :) .
 This said Waldemar was not moaning passively as an italian would have done.  He challenged the authorities, and coarsly treated. He contacted newspapers but it was of no avail. He even tried with Striscia La Notizia, a tv program which deals with denouncing corruption. Furthermore this very corruption is too inherent in the local habits. In an Italy wich used to indulge  on getting a job, thanks to your acquaintances. Now in italy this is more and more difficult to do so, due to the terrible crisis  Perugia seens to be resist, in a kind of provincial bubble, where who you are depends on who do you know. Were the money which should be used for refugees is used for private use. Neighbouring the once beautiful botanical garden, another splendid park profuse with rare species has been transformed officially into a refugee camp. Were there are no real refugees, execpt a scarce number, and the once florid park is in shambles.
   Waldemar says the workers employed by the wife of the director of the botanical garden, are ex drug addicts or unemployed and no real qualified people, so people just do what they please not caring if they might ruin things from the comunity. Waldemar is a clear example that people who were not originally born in this country can bring real qualificated work and not only used as mere cheap labour.This italian careleness should not be allowed, and if people coming from abroad have more qualifuications, they should be allowed to climb the social ladder, and give the place thet deserve. Waldemar should be the director of the garden, while the useless guy should clean the pond with his own hands. Being italians unable to defend their beauties. we needs people like Waldemar. A fighter for his ideals. The garden was destroyed four years ago, but he is still the same, always generous of qualified adice on plants. He is good looking in the inside, but green like Hulk in the inside. 

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