giovedì 23 giugno 2016

Brexit and my broken heart
I m Giulio Massimo Baistrocchi and my name does not sound very English.
 But I carry some English blood. Both of my great grannies were English and I have always been proud of it till the start of the Brexit campaign.
Lolita, my brasilian grannie' s mum was English even though her mum was a Nicaraguan Spanish . her mum my great great grannie was a Furtado de la Cruz  from Spanish aristocracy from the conquista times who felt in love with an Englishman whose surname was Chambers. She died when she was young and her husband took Back the 2 children from this marriage back to UK . The Furtado de la Cruz said if you take the children they won t receive anything from the gold mines they had in Nicaragua. My ggg Chambers was in the navy and did not flick for a second to the threats. They Chambers have been in the navy and the are 2 maritime painters from this family shown in the Greenwich maritime museum, and they were originally from Yorkshire.
Lolita was always considered a barbarian which was not able to have manners from his very high church grandfather. ( the first picture is from George Chambers , the second one from Grace)
   Lolita s husband Ettore had an English mum too, her name was Grace. She flew from England because her father could not accept her marrying someone from the she had a very roccambolesque story but they finally got married. But she died in the Messina earthquake when Ettore was few years old. she was an skilled painter of flowers.
These are my genes but more than anything England has been my tormented love relationship
First arrived in Cambridge when was 15 to study English. Loved it was in a cool English family. But there were anti Latino raids and was scared . And some drunk yards were having fun of me.
2 years later I went to work for a summer at Peter beales s nursery which  is the Mecca for old rose lovers and during a show on sandrigham palace was presented to the Queen  Mother and Prince Charles. I made my father proud for once ,  soon after my way back to Italy princess Diana died and my father some months afterwards. The were terrible years I had to do my baccalaureate twice but the memories of UK were strong.
After my bac was sent to Paris as a gift for some months but my heart was in UK so ended there, found a job in Haag an datz in Leicester Square as a porter. Then one day meandering arousd Chinatown I ended up in soho and was surprised why are they so many man?
So I understood and a guy looked at me and for the first time I had a sort of excitement. I have always looked for perfect love but put things in a way they always refused me but never a true excitement
I obviously lost the occasion but decided I will have a try. It was disgusting  but my life changed I guess 😄.
Then did an art degree which I could afford because UK had a fantastic education system Bach them. Being EU citizen was a great thing and worked as a florist to pay my rent and good since my mum did not want me to go to Uk. The second year lost the job so has to come back to Italy and come only for the tutorials and dissertation. Then moved to udine to follow my ex boyfriend and many things I won't tell now. 2 years ago I returned Back to Uk but did not felt very welcomed. Met a guy and thought it could be a good guy to have a life together but realised it wasn't. Bureaucracy was worst than Italy and to find a job for someone with dyspraxia has been hard. With the guy it did not work but managed to do some gardening jobs and in a call centre but was working too much and my body could not handle it the only job I could find after months of trillion of application forms and had to leave some 3 months ago. I had my Brexit , London dis not love me could not stand to do 16 km a day by bike because I could not pay the  tube Etc. but great friend and people most of them from the Eu or eu lovers. But UK does not love me and the Brexit campaign is a sign

mercoledì 22 giugno 2016

a campagna del Brexit fá capire come sono veramente gli inglesi. Entrambi gli schieramenti. La campagna del Brexit mostra com é un popolo oltre l ipocrisia e la presunta civiltá che si sforzano di dimostrare generalmente. A parte lo specchio delle allodole che é londra che ho amato per m c é veramente violenza e estrema povertá che sanno mascherare molto bene. Io continuerò ad amare l inghilterra in tutte le sue contraddizioni , forse anche per le mie due bisnonne inglesi

sabato 5 marzo 2016

Orto guardino pordenone
 É una mostra a cui sono legato, perché é dove ho iniziato il mio esordio nelle fiere di piante da collezione.
Arrivato in Friuli dopo avere fatto studi d' arte in UK mi sembrava di essere arrivato per amore in un posto barbaro e totalmente primitivo ( cosa che penso ancora vedendo i suoi abitanti anche se di base mi piacciono cosí e ci sono molto affezionato) quando vidi alla fiera di pordenone, la souvenir de la malmaison, la Comte de Chambord e Bienheureux de la Salle, finalmente mi sentivo a casa in una landa che per me allora era totalmente estranea.
Ann Glorio ( née Boddy) rimase colpita dalla mia conoscenza delle rose antiche e piano piano l auitai come volontario.Il potere lavorare in un roseto di rose antiche fiorite a inizio marzo, con gazebi con rose antiche e con erba, era un artificioso e romantico ed effimero sogno. Io e Ann siamo cresciuti a pane e Peter Beales( dove ho lavorato un estate). La costruzione di questo giardino inglese di rose é effimero e dura giorni, e segue i colour scheme inglesi , non sono fatti a caso come tanti espositori italiani o come dei giardini della stessa manifestazioni decisente imbarazzanti dove si fa un giardino con bambu con sabbia per  fare vedere i vasi per poi lasciare I vasi esposti o un altro dove ci sono edgworthie, strelizie, olivi potati alla simil bonsai, una roba vergognosa.
 Ann da Albione si innamora di un agricultore ligure, si trasferisce e comincia dal nulla a vivere con ciclamini e basilico. Sandro suo figlio, uomo dal cuore d' oro e incessante lavoratore inizia con le rose e lei aggiunge le rose antiche alle amate HT di Sandro, e diventa una lotta tra HT e antiche. Poi vengo coinvolto in mostre in giro per l italia , e per tutta la stagione  mostre ogni weekend... racconigi, masino etc. Loro sono dei lavoratori instancabili e con dei ritmo assurdi, anche tre mostre in contemporanea e rifornimenti faraonici.Dalla Liguria per pordenone fanno almeno due rifornimenti e scaricare carrelli con almeno 600 rose impegnativo... O per Masino quantitá Faraoniche di rose.
Ann ha sempre capellini con rose all inglese e vestiti a tema, e non piace a tutti, perché molto inglese e a volte non capita. passionale e sempre con unenergia da ragazzina é tutta una passione, a volte un pò spigolosa una vera rosa profumata come le rose che lei vende